martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

The Travelling Nose

It's the smell. The only thing that bothers me when going on a trip... the smell. Never mind the bed, the bathroom, the goddamn luggage or the climate -it's the stench I cannot stand. Maybe it's just me, perceiving a filthiness that does not exist. Maybe this reek of shit comes not from the stairs of this God forsaken motel, but the pain that comes to my nostrils with every inhalation feels just too real. All inhale and no exhale make Jack a dull boy. Jack? Here’s Johnny! Or is it? The birds’ songs are quite beautiful this time of the year. It’s not Christmas.

Yes. Maybe it’s just psychological… but I'm not going to the shrink. You go to a consult nowadays and all they do is make you a series of tests just to say 'you're crazy'. I don't need to pay for that, I know I've lost my mind. I'm not the same since she went away. I’m not half the man I used to be since I lost my better half three years ago. I feel like three quarters of a man now. Maybe less. My nose on the other hand works like a freaking charm. I can smell the cockroaches as they wander over the dusty floor, preying on the decaying scraps left behind by unclean men. Repent, the end is nigh. Not that type of unclean not that type of unclean not that type of men

No. My name is not Jack. My name is Trevor. Trevor Jones and I am a salesman -and a rather good one -. If Indiana Jones was a salesman, I’d be him. We share the last name after all. I'm pretty sure you know by now that I am used to travelling and staying in places like this. Never before did I have problems with odours, but I guess she messed with my head so badly that fragrances are not what they used to be. Now every time I'm away from home not even the world's most expensive perfume can make the smells go away. She messed with my head so badly that I think three quarters is less than a half. Yes bub, read the previous paragraph. When did this smelling affair begin? When she left? Before? After? When did I lose three quarters of my brain? Pleased to meet you. Andy Hoarse, salesman extraordinaire. Oh yes, I find this motel to be quite good. Three stars!

Focus focus focus. Today’s air brings a whole new stinking experience… and yet, there's something different in the air today. Yes, it's still a malodour but it's a different type of it. It is a stink way more awful than anything I have smelled before. Hurry up, just a shower and I'm out of this hole. These stairs seem endless, especially now that I want to go away so badly, escape from this bog of putrescence. I hold the handrail of the stairwell before I fall. The smell intensifies and I'm starting to feel numb. This aroma is killing me. It’s filling my insides and making my organs decay both painfully and slowly. Oh Lord, it’d be way easier to die listening to a song. It’d be softer to die… killing me softly… get it? I’m cracking myself up.

And there she is. No wonder I can't take the effluvium this time, she stands atop of the stairwell, as shocked as I am for this strange encounter. Destiny, fortune, luck. Call it whatever you want, it has a twisted sense of humour... and the humour I feel now is nausea. The world is a handkerchief, or so a Spaniard would say. Was she from Spain? Where was she born? Did I meet her there? What was her name? Damn nose, when did you get so… acute. When I was younger I knew a guy. He had this awful looking nose. I avoided him. His name was Ben. Once I punched him in the nose. He bled. For three hours. Poor Raúl. He was of Spanish descent.

I keep walking upstairs, though my speed is slightly reduced. This pestilence is too much for a single man to bear, but I'm no praying man either so I'm alone for this confrontation. Yet, I must acknowledge the fact that I like the mysticism and esotericism behind the story of Jesus Christ. His power compels me. She is just standing there, looking at me, and I'm almost on my knees... begging... crying... hoping the sickness goes away. The stairs are over. I'm really not in the mood. Silence was never so awkward before. Seconds drag and an eternity passes. I'm going mad with this unbreakable silence. My nose feels so heavy and I cannot move my facial muscles. I'm feeling dizzy, I think I'm going to fall down the stairwell... seal my doom and end my pain.

'Hi' is all she can think of and surprisingly I cannot think of anything else to say either. I bring myself to utter the word, almost an unheard whisper falling on deaf ears... but she hears it. It's my eyelids that feel heavy now, as looking into her eyes is a burden. The solemn silence returns... a millennia of silence. Was I ever in Spain? Yes. No. Maybe so? Where? South of Spain. South of the border… down Mexico way? She doesn’t look Spanish. She hasn’t got an accent… I think. Hi. Mi nombre es… what was her name?

I can feel a mix of words forming right inside of me. The phrase they form is a sour complaint to the universe itself. Of all the places in the world I had to find you here. Her ‘hi’ still lurking in my brain, I ache to kvetch but I'm mute. Jewish? No, her nose is not that big. Even mine was bigger. Her eyes are huge though. My brain still functions at least. Well half a brain… three quarters of a brain. A quarter of a brain, that’s the one I was thinking of. Spanish? Jewish? Can’t remember. She smells like something else. Different race? Different species? Third time is the charm Mr. Nose. Joey Rhodes, that’s my name.

Her eyes express discontent. She dares be angry at fate and I am furious for so many feelings I can't explain, for my blood burning and the contaminated air perforating my lungs. I'm so sick, her scent is so intoxicating, my nostrils are wide open and my eyes are at the verge of tears. I have to do something but her gaze has turned me to stone. I am like a gargoyle, greeting the guests of the motel. Hello, can I take your coat? Those big grey eyes. She smiles like a devil woman for she knows she still has power over me. Sad little man. I just want it all to end. She is definitely of European descent. Aren’t we all? No, African. Alien? My name is M’kflooniu Aus’chwierç. That’s the best pronunciation you can achieve without me having to take away your occiput. Alfa Centauri. The Wild West.

She starts descending, one step at a time. She moves like a gracious swan. Russian? I don’t remember her having an accent. I don’t remember her talking in something other than English either. She keeps on moving. She moves as slowly as the time. Not a swan, she moves as if slithering like a snake on the sand. Treacherous. Different race? Different species? Snake? Alien? But of course, she must be Venusian. Me… Martian? Her name! Marcia. It doesn’t sound Spanish. Not Russian either. Not Jewish. Latin? Her name can’t possibly tell me her ethnicity and it of course can’t tell me her species either.

Still I’m still. I'm not moving, or at least that's what I think. No, I am not moving. I am sure of that. I am as sure of that as I am sure that my name is Bob or Patrick McGee. My leg moves on its own accord. Even more so, my foot has positioned itself in that strategic location. She’ll get out of balance and then she will be out of something else... the moment she reaches the final steps of the stairwell. Then, it will be my face the one showing a smile... and I hope the atmosphere becomes more redolent and sweet, just like a bouquet, refreshing and pleasant. I long for that first whiff of a new age to come. I need to go to a wedding. Not because of the bouquet of course. Weddings are fun, that’s all.

No, I am not blond. Blunt force trauma. Blow to the head. Doctors did the best they could. My nose was the one who suffered the most. Looked like an eggplant, all purple and bloody… bloody disgusting. Three years. Not the same. Poor poor Larry Eggman. She rolls and rolls never reaching the end. Never reaching the light at the end of the stairwell. Marcia killed me. She killed half of me. She killed three quarters or one quarter of me. Do you care about me? I don’t! Yet, revenge is a dish best served cold. wIj be'nal HoHta' jIH. Cold case ensues after three years.

For three years I’ve had this recurring nightmare. I am a redheaded man in a red jumpsuit when a midget comes near me. He has a very strange nose. He has no nose. He has a huge zit right there in the middle of his face. The zit is his nose. I bite his nose. It is filled with cream in the inside. It is like a donut. A doughnut. Dough sounds like pizza. It is not tasty. A zit. I hate them. I wake up and I can smell it. That nutty odour and my pants are wet. I cry. Then I forget and the next night I remember. Hello Mr. Midget, how was the urine last night? I only remember in my dreams. The break of dawn, who am I? Stephen Barrows, nice to meet you.

‘Bye’ she says as she turns to look at me, four steps beneath me. There I am, looking downstairs. My foot is a mirage. My nose is a mirage as well. Prosthetic means yours but not yours, you know what I mean? Freaking smell! I watch her as she goes away. Her smell has not begun to fade when another stench comes from behind. What is silent and deadly? A fart. Her boyfriend is behind me, smiling. I’ve not seen him but I can smell him. Oh you wise nose, just one stone, right?

Did you like it? Did you enjoy it? Life insurance: man’s most creative contract of a death sentence. Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi! But I did not die. The money, I don’t know. She didn’t get any. I didn’t get any when I was alive. Boyfriend Clarence Bradshaw got any? She was beautiful. He had the name of a girl. Marcia and Cecil. They planned it but they didn’t get me. What kind of a name is Carl? Carl Jr. Nothing but a hamburger man. I won’t bite although I grab him, like a vampire, by the neck. We are like a stone going downhill, even more so when she gets caught by us. And there we go and I know that when I reach the end of the stairwell, when I hit the floor nose first… oh God, the three of us are going to smell.

Cuento Corto. Febrero, 2009.

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

¿ Puede darme DINERO ?

     El dinero es un medio para un fin. Es un vehículo para transportarte a donde sea que vayas. El dinero no es la felicidad... pero demonios, cómo ayuda. Para la mayoría de la gente el empleo es el que nos proporciona este dinero. Se dice por ahí que si uno trabaja en lo que le gusta no tendrá que trabajar un solo día de su vida. Por todas estas razones (tal vez más) alguna vez me pregunté si mis dibujos me podrían dar dinero. De ahí que haya participado en un par de certámenes y concursos. Ejemplo:

Cogito ergu sum & He knows not his own strength that hath not met adversity

     Por parte de Más que Palabras de Televisa, la idea era hacer un corto de diez segundos ilustrando alguna frase célebre. Mi entrada para el concurso es la primera frase mostrada en el video. Hecho en febrero del 2009, ese corto resultó ser uno de los diez ganadores del concurso. El premio fue la oportunidad de realizar otra cápsula de diez segundos (de nuevo ilustrando otra frase, la segunda del video) auspiciada por la empresa (o sea, me pagaron). Ese fue mi primer sueldo real. Mi primer cheque. Con ese dinero compré La Naranja Mecánica de Anthony Burgess.

     Ese mismo año participé en un concurso del ITESM. En ese la verdad el tiempo se me vino encima e hice lo mejor que pude hacer en dos días. Obtuve una mención honorífica. El video lo puedes ver aquí. Es el que está en la parte inferior derecha (o sea, hasta abajo el de hasta la derecha).

     Ese mismo año también participé en Animasivo. El tema era la astronomía, en honor al IYA2009 (Año Internacional de la Astronomía 2009) y el cuatrocientos aniversario del uso por primera vez de un telescopio astronómico por Galileo Galilei. He aquí un par de imágenes:

De niño quería ser astronauta... bueno, todavía quiero

Luna lunera cascabelera

     Pronto tendré que poner un botón de donaciones en el blog, el nombre del apartado será el mismo que el de esta entrada. Oye oye oye, el cuerpo es una máquina que pide sustento (entre otras cosas). Sin embargo, eso será después. Por el momento me ocuparé de encontrar otra entrada interesante que publicar antes de que termine el mes. Esa simetría no va a mantenerse sola, ¿cierto?

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Juegos Juegos Juegos

     El primer juego que hice data de una clase de Programación que tuve en mi tercer semestre, por allá por finales de 2008. Después de una amplia consideración sobre su tema, mi compañero y yo decidimos hacer un juego al estilo de Bomberman. Digo al estilo porque no queríamos hacer una copia exacta del juego, queríamos tener un personaje propio y memorable, así como un modo de juego más libre y/o flexible. Las ideas comenzaron a fluir y decidimos que nuestro héroe no detonaría bombas sino flatulencias y se llamaría Fartman.

Sí, ese es un frijol representando a las flatulencias y sí, vi mucho Dragon Ball cuando era niño

     Aunque la idea era mediograciosa también era un poco... asquerosa. Al final se decidió utilizar un personaje más convencional. Después de un poco de deliberación (y como la película del personaje del comic se estrenó ese mismo año) nació IronBomberman.

¡ Mucho mejor !

     El proyecto, que era nuestro proyecto final, se desarrolló en equipo a lo largo de cuatro semanas. ¿ Y esto qué significó ? Que lo hice en cuatro días (un fin de semana). El juego en sí es simple y lo que más me gusta de él es su nombre:

IronBomberman: Rise of the Iron Mongers

     El juego cuenta con dos niveles y dos jefes. ¿ Solamente cuatro niveles en total ? Oye, ¿ qué esperabas de un amateur que lo realizó en cuatro días ? El objetivo es resolver los acertijos mientras matas a todo lo que se te pone enfrente, así como lo muestra el video:

El niño BOMBA

     Detalles sobre el juego:

1) A veces no pilla las teclas así que hay que darle click a la pantalla para poder jugar.
2) El final es... total y absolutamente nada, cuando lo has terminado no pasa nada, ni te dice felicidades ni nada de nada.
3) A veces los fondos no aparecen. El juego decide simplemente no cargarlos. Hay que reiniciar el juego.

     A pesar de todo el juego te lo puedes descargar para Mac o Windows. En Mac simplemente hay que dar doble click al .app que está dentro del zip. En Windows doble click al Setup.exe te llevará a través de las instrucciones que instalarán el jueguillo. Las flechas para moverte y la barra espaciadora para depositar bombitas. Yo mientras tanto seguiré intentando instalar mi Project Eden en mi Mac mediante Wine.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

But I AM an Artist

     No sé si lo sepan pero me encanta Anna Faris. Tal vez porque es una graciosa y guapetona actriz o porque me recuerda a mi amor platónico Sienna Miller. En fin, el punto es que es algo así como mi musa y constantemente sueño con ella (no, no de esa manera). Por ejemplo, hace un par de semanas soñé esto:

Sí que lo eres Anna

     Sé que mis dibujitos no le hacen justicia a Anna, pero es con cariño hoy, el día de las mamacitas. Por si alguien no ha visto alguna de las películas la primera parte es de 'Sólo Amigos', el diálogo es entre Faris y Ryan Reynolds y la revelación de la verdadera naturaleza de Anna es la parte final de 'Hombres de Negro', en que Edgar 'el Bicho' intenta escapar de J y K.

     Y bueno, recuerdo que en aquella ocasión no soñé solamente la animación que aquí se presenta. Soñé también que era Dexter (el protagonista de la serie del mismo nombre), que mi hermana Deb (bueno, la de Dexter... que era yo) estaba a punto de descubrir que era un asesino serial, que la única manera de cubrir mis pasos era dibujar las escenas de mis crímenes y cambiarlas en el dibujo para que se materializaran en nuestra realidad y que aparte de eso estaba luchando ferozmente para revelar el mayor secreto de la serie... que aunque es un excelente actor David Zayas no es cubano sino puertorriqueño, de ahí que cambia la 'r' por 'l' cada vez que habla en español.

¡ Enseguida Sargento Batista !

martes, 3 de mayo de 2011


Estupidez (según Princeton -y Wikipedia -):

-Poca habilidad para comprender o ganar experiencia
-Faltante o marcado por la falta de agudeza intelectual
-Falta de razonamiento, ingenio o sentido común
-La propiedad de ser estúpido

La estupidez, así como la belleza, está en el ojo de quien la mira